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I’d say Indian Laurel is as close to Rosewood as possible tonally, without being Rosewood itself.
So little is understood about the power of music, but one thing is for certain, Music is Powerful!
Students Ron and Lamar ream their bridge pins to fit, slot the nut and give their guitars a final setup, before stringing them up and playing them for the first time!
As a 12-year-old when T. Chowdiah once accompanied a popular vidwan at a concert in Mysore, he was embarrassed about his bow slipping into a fleeting phrase of apaswaras (wrong notes)....
We have over 200 sets of "Air Dried" East Indian Rosewood in stock. Ready to ship to any of our USA customers. Get yours today. Don't forget about acclimation time, give your order time to acclimate!
Toasted Timber was born out of creativity and from the heart of Jennifer Wakefield and her husband Travis. They make anything that can be burned into wood and some of the coolest looking pens. Their busy lives, a son and their love of working together keeps them quite busy....
I’ve attached a thin maple strip to the edge of my ebony binding strips and now I’m cutting the binding channels, and addressing the miters between the florentine cutaway tip and the end seam.
I show how I use specialty joining boards to glue purfling strips to the edge of binding strips in order to create side purfling.
I resaw, dimension and slot a fretboard out of a waste piece of Ziricote for Guitar #56
Ramon visits the shop to work on a cool radial rosette design with black limba, burl, and fiber strips. We’re using the Radial Rosette Maker Jig available here:
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