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I’d say Indian Laurel is as close to Rosewood as possible tonally, without being Rosewood itself.
So little is understood about the power of music, but one thing is for certain, Music is Powerful!
We have over 200 sets of "Air Dried" East Indian Rosewood in stock. Ready to ship to any of our USA customers. Get yours today. Don't forget about acclimation time, give your order time to acclimate!
Toasted Timber was born out of creativity and from the heart of Jennifer Wakefield and her husband Travis. They make anything that can be burned into wood and some of the coolest looking pens. Their busy lives, a son and their love of working together keeps them quite busy....
January Newsletter and This Months Sales!!!
This wood is actually yellow and emits a pleasant odor, though called a cedar, it is a member of the cypress family
Used in the body of cheap electric solid-bodies, it has a less than sterling reputation
Afzelia is a relatively dense wood that ranges in color between yellow, orange, and brown. It is often compared to Koa in appearance.
A large tree from the Congo, it is reddish brown to a golden color in the heartwood and may exhibit darker streaks.
African Blackwood (Dalbergia Melanoxylon), it is a true rosewood Strikingly different from other rosewoods in that it is black in color, and often with sapwood showing up in the guitar pattern, African Blackwood trees are quickly becoming harder and harder to find large enough to make two-piece backs. It has a tight, but robust sound.
Also known as Eastern red or Appalachian spruce, Adirondack defined guitars of the pre-WWII era. Its availability is beginning to increase slightly, as another generation of trees matures, although they’re still considerably smaller than their old growth forebears. Current supplies of Adirondack tend to lack a certain aesthetic purity of look (they tend to be wider-grained and more irregular in color and grain patterns).
Achihua is blonde wood with light grain flecks. The color is evenly distributed across the surface and there is evidence of occasional “silk”.
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